Away In a Manger
This recording was originally a piano solo. For maybe the last eight years I’ve sat with it every Christmas and said to myself, “Next year.” The last two years I’ve felt impressed that it wanted to be a vocal solo, and have toyed with that. When the request for member submissions came to send a cover to this particular hymn, I felt like it would work. I sent it to the Church Music Submissions for the Come, Follow Me “member submissions” effort.
I Believe in Miracles
This song was born after a heart-felt plea to Heavenly Father to write a children’s song that taught a principle and could create a brain worm with that idea. It didn’t come instantly, but this was the end result. This is the version that I used in the Sacred Sheet Music competition in the Fall of 2022. There were some valid suggestions I made after this competition, and I changed a few things for the Church Music Submissions. We’ll see how that works out. It will be submitted with the changes since no part of the application requires an audio.
He Lives
This song came one night as I was “playing with” I Know That My Redeemer Lives. I wanted to arrange my own version of it, but this is what happened instead. It’s simple, but it is my testimony of my Savior, Jesus Christ. LYRICS He lives! I know my Savior lives! Oh, the peace and joy this sentence gives. He lives to guide me with His love, As He advocates for me above. I know He hears and answers prayer. This is truth: I know of His kind care. He lives to grant me rich supply As He cares for me beneath his watchful eye. I know His love can…
I Hear Him (Lower Voice
This song is on my website twice. I wrote it initially for a lower voice (this version), but Angie has this angel voice in a higher range. She is very flexible and was able to do low as well.
Mother’s Legacy
A tribute to a woman who was true to her faith from the minute she heard about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She never wavered. Her life wasn’t as easy as she’d have liked it to be, but she was a shining example to all of us of overcoming struggles that are true “thorns in the side”. It was a testimony to me to watch her the last five years of her life and see just how drawn she was to helping others see the truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Truly she had a friend in Jesus.
Follow Him
We were blessed that Covid-19 in 2021, did not come rock our world much. Clyde had it before it became a household word. My life was pretty packed prior to shut down. When it hit, I had time to pursue music that came; when it came. This is one of those songs. I don’t remember the seed that sprouted this song.
I Hear Him
This is the original version. Realizing it might not be the easiest for most people to sing, I rewrote it. This is for those who like to sing below Middle C. This song just came in the night. It went through a few iterations before settling on the final version. Pres. Russell M. Nelson of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has challenged us to know how we hear Him. I can’t claim that this song is a comprehensive list, but it is a personal list of ways I’ve heard Him. Thanks to Angela Dugdale for recording this one. She has the voice of a songbird. Lyrics I…
Our Savior’s Love
The music for this arrangement was rearranged from a number I wrote for the Alpine Stake play, “Children of The Dream”, which was inspired by Marvin Payne. After twenty plus years, I revisited the song and discovered it would work with the lyrics to the hymn, “Our Savior’s Love”. With some modification, this arrangement of a favorite hymn was born. Our ward choir sang it in October 2017, and it was so beautiful. COVID has brought new inspiration and it now has a C-instrument duet. I’ve recorded it with flute and oboe, although strings work beautifully as well. You use what you have access to.
Words Won’t Come
By the time this song was finished, I knew the Lord wanted me to write it. I thought I knew what I was writing, but it actually turned out to be the road from “lost” to being “found” – really, a conversion experience. Thanks to Angela Dugdale for helping me with the vocal. LYRICSWords won’t come. My heart is breaking.Can’t hold back the tears. I’m aching.Dreams are shattered. Nothing matters.Hope seems distant; nonexistent.Tortured with the thoughts within.Bless me with the will to winthe battles raging deep within my soul.Then I remember lessons long ago.Christ is there for ev’ry soul who calls Him.Reaching out I take His hand.He’s there for me.…
I Stand All Amazed
I was given the blessing of accompanying the son of a dear friend’s funeral. They requested organ accompany for this song, and I was unable to find an arrangement that fit our needs. This was the end result of my search. Matt Gifford is the voice you’re hearing. He was out of his comfort zone, but he did a beautiful job.
Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done
Another piece of inspiration while I was the choir director. When I discovered how much fun it was to use the lyrics from one hymn to another, I was constantly on the lookout for matching possibilities. This was one of them.
How Great the Wisdom and the Love
Another SATB for our wonderful ward choir. Sadly to say, there is not a performance recording. This is a Finale electronic recording.
Jesus, The Very Thought of Thee
This arrangement was for an Easter program in 2016. It’s preservation is miraculous. Thank goodness for backup discs. Ugh! As I got it ready for this Website, I realized again that I was working with a spectacular group of people as we performed. They just did it. It’s simple enough, but I see things that might have been different. Suffice it to say, it’s safe now. I can’t guarantee I didn’t get inspiration on the narration from someone else’s effort. I apologize I don’t have the name of that person or even where it came from. I don’t have that original narration either, but my experience has been that what…
Stay By the Tree
After Elder Kevin W. Pearson of the Seventy gave his General Conference talk in April 2015, I could not rest until I committed his comments to music. To me, it came out of his mouth musically. This is the result.
In Thy Holy Name
This hymn was a work in progress. Lyrics sat in my scriptures with musical scribbles for several years. One day I decided to write it out and see if it really evolved into a hymn as I heard it in my head. The first and third verses came easily. This in itself was quite an accomplishment for me. I studied the second verse for what seemed forever sitting at my piano. Then my eyes looked up at the picture on my wall of the Savior holding a lamb. It was an inspired and instant fit, and the song was complete.
Take it to the Grove
This song was written after visiting with a dear friend who was struggling with answers to questions that just can’t be answered by man. One day while visiting, she said her counselor told her to “take it to the grove”. Of course, as Latter-day Saints, we all know what that means. When she told me this is what he had said, I instantly thought to myself, “That sounds like the title to a song.” Sometime later, I read the book “The Secret”. I decided I would apply its theory one day. When my husband left for work, he asked me what my plan was for the day. I told him…
I’ll Quietly Keep the Commandments
This song has a story. We were newlyweds and struggling financially. We were making ends meet, but it wasn’t easy. I was teaching piano to supplement our income and there was little money left over for play. I did the unpardonable – I asked someone else how they managed so well and why we would be struggling. Her answer was flippant and it stung: “Oh, we just pay our tithing and Heavenly Father blesses us.” What? Did she think we weren’t paying our tithing? I let this get under my skin. By day’s end, the Lord had given me a blessing to calm my mind. It truthfully put me in…
Baptism Day
This song was written and sung in 1980 for the baptism of my oldest daughter. My parents had lots of grandchildren, and she was one of the oldest. It’s been heard a numerous baptisms through the years.
Love at Home Medley
This is the first arrangement I created and was so fun for me. I was able to play it at my sister-in-law’s funeral as well as my mother-in-law’s funeral a few months later. It has continued to be one of my favorite pieces.