Dancing On the Water
A week of quarantine because of a positive Covid test turned out to be a lot of fun for me. I had recorded this little piece to “return to later”, a few months ago. It was nothing more than a theme, but I labeled it “fun to play”. I don’t think I would change that opinion now that it is finished. It’s really fun to play! I can see the drops of water bouncing off a smooth body of water at the beginning. It’s not a ferocious rain; just gentle. Then it picks up the pace only to run down at the end of the piece. I had a little help from Clyde on the ending. He thought the left hand needed to drop out. I like the richness of the chords, but he was right. I’d played those chord enough times and the “dance” (aka rain storm) is just about over. Anything visually correct is because I have a really smart brother who is tutoring me. Tom paid the price by getting the education and is very gracious to answer my musical questions and critique my work.