• Piano Solos

    Reflection II

    This started out so simple. By the time I finished it, I was quite pleased. I almost chose to change the name because when I reflect, there isn’t as much action. But I stuck with the name. If it gets a little busy for your hands to keep up, drop some notes. It’s easily done. If the octaves are an issue, I apologize. It sounds best using full octaves.

  • Piano Solos,  Recital

    Dancing On the Water

    A week of quarantine because of a positive Covid test turned out to be a lot of fun for me. I had recorded this little piece to “return to later”, a few months ago. It was nothing more than a theme, but I labeled it “fun to play”. I don’t think I would change that opinion now that it is finished. It’s really fun to play! I can see the drops of water bouncing off a smooth body of water at the beginning. It’s not a ferocious rain; just gentle. Then it picks up the pace only to run down at the end of the piece. I had a little…

  • Piano Solos


    I have always felt like my 50’s were my prime. I had a new road bike and I loved riding west in the miles and miles of fields that have since become multi-family housing. This song was written sometime after such a ride and I was feeling so invigorated. I think the song reflects that feeling.

  • Piano Solos


    This song evolved as our grandchildren started coming. They somehow seemed to love dancing while I played the piano. In order to actually play, I had to keep their little hands off the piano keyboard. This song usually would accomplish that task. They could be entertained dancing to this melody for a very long time. Fun times; fun memories!

  • Piano Solos

    Happy Song in 6/8 Time

    If I was still teaching piano, this would be a fun one to give to an intermediate piano student. There isn’t much to say about it other than it was another melody that begged to be written. The year 2009 was a very good year for me, and the joy I experienced was manifest in my musical creations.

  • Piano Solos

    Better Part of Me

    For years I have wanted to write a love song that expressed how I feel about my eternal companion who has always been like a knight in shining armor to me. He rescues me on a daily basis and is the most patient, compassionate and friendly person I’ve ever known. Yet, this masterpiece of a song I dream of writing eludes me. I found this “gem” sitting in my files. Apparently, I tried my hand at a love song in 2009. It’s been sitting on my computer all this time. I still hear the words repeated “Better Part of Me” throughout the song. Clyde really is the better part of…