By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them
This is another Camp Theme Song for the Orem, Utah ward. I loved serving in the Young Women program and camp was a highlight. The girls would learn these lighthearted songs and we had a great week using the theme to learn about Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and who we were as daughters of our Heavenly Father. Those were great days.
- A young woman knows close to the Lord she must stay, by serving her neighbors; don’t forget to obey the guidelines as given by our prophets so dear. The fruits you will see them multiplying each year.
- Do men gather grapes of thorns? “No, no!” you say. Or figs of thistles; ’tis a very poor way to keep that poor tree from being hewn right down, and cast into the fire, make the poor owner frown.
- Tho we’re asked not to judge, we cannot help but assess, the good deeds of others and their own happiness. The fruits of their labors as the Lord’s will they do, will make others happy and makes them happy too.
Chorus: Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of hea’vn; but he that doeth the will, but he that doeth the will of my Father who is in Heaven.