She Prays
We had been asked to pray for rain and civility in the world. This request must have been weighing heavily on my mind during my sleep one night. When I awoke, this song was running through my head and waiting to be committed to paper. I love it when that happens because I know there is only one reason for it: The Lord is giving me a gift! A special thanks to Angela Dugdale for recording this for me.
Where Can I Turn for Peace?
Leave me alone with a Hymnal for very long and I’ll find a way to play with a hymn. Our choir enjoyed singing this after they adapted to the synchronization. When this hymn first hit the streets, I always heard the close harmony and syncopation in my mind. It was a delight to have our choir sing this.
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
Song background: One of the more exciting pieces I wrote for our choir. I had heard the voice of one of our Young Men in a stake program and was blown away. I wanted him to sing with our choir, but he wasn’t all that interested. I wrote this arrangement with him in mind. He did amazing. What is the back story on the arrangement? I’ve always liked the message of this song, but feel the original arrangement is too long. As I was drying my hair one morning, the melody came to me and it fit! Of course, piano accompaniment is just as nice as organ.
This song was a request by a Relief Society for me to perform a song on the topic of “Peace”. There’s a possibility I misunderstood the request. But I wrote this in response to her request. She said it was over the top, which could mean a couple of things. I felt it turned out fine for the place where I was at the time. It was a good experience then, and has not been looked at since until 2021.